Map Tack

Monday, November 30, 2015

I HATE Cold Weather

Have I mentioned that I DO NOT Like Cold weather? Well I do. For 1, I have rotory cuff damage in my right shoulder and starting to get it in my left.  All the Perks of being in a wheelchair.  The ups and downs of medical problems on the constant uprise.

So my joints are ALWAYS hurting. Can't get a good night sleep, always up and down. But the MAIN Reason I DO NOT Like the Cold weather is it's hard for me to get around being in a wheelchair.

The snow, I get stuck in, I can't shouvle very well on the ramp, deck and sidewalk so it limits my ability to go anywhere during the colder months expecially when it snows.

I also can not get out in my workshop to do some work, for anyone interested, I have a Blog and a Facebook page here.  Blog ==> Handi's Workshop and Handi's Workshop Official Facebook Page.

This is where I document my Projects and all when I have time to do them. So come take a gander at what I do.

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