Map Tack

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

28w LED Grow Lights

I don't know about any of Y'all that view my blog and read all the off the wall shit I post. Sometimes there are many views and sometimes there aren't that many that look at my blog or read it.

Even so, less or more readers are Ok with me either way, it's just a Journal for me to share different things that occur for me at the spur of the moment or even planned.

This post is about LED Grow lights. I don't know if any of Y'all are gardeners or not, but this is one of my favorite past times I look forward to during the summer months. It gets me outside, it helps with some Physical Therapy, being disabled and in a wheelchair, this helps me keep my hands active to keep strength and dexterity in them.

So, here's the thing, where I live, I have 1 west window which is the only one in the house that gets a little sun in the latter part of the evening. Not merely enough to keep seedlings growing. Matter fact the lack of sun is not good for seedlings. They need the sun to grow.

Well, I've decided to break down and purchase a few things I wanted to try out. I got a Clamp Lamp and some 28w LED Grow Light Bulbs.

I've had seedlings growing for about a month and good amount. 72 Cells full of Tomatoes and Different peppers. Most of them died but probably 12 peppers and 5 or 6 tomatoes.

I have a Heating mat I let my seeds sit on to get the heat they need to germinate, once germinated, they go in the window or a source of light so they can grow during the early spring so they can be planted in late spring.

Well, as I mentioned before, I have a lack of sun in the west window, so I purchased these items. You would never believe the success of these lights.

My plants are 6 weeks old almost 7 weeks. As soon as I put on these lights for an artificial sun, they all perked up and started growing.

All the plants went from around 1 inch to about 4 to 5 inches with all their second leaves and growing more and more. Just in 2 weeks, they have sprouted vigorously. I've very very impressed with these lights. For now on, when I get things going next year, I'll have a better outcome to my garden, I used to buy plants and this would cost me a large amount which is Ok to a point cause I can every year.

But now, I'll save even more money by just getting seeds and potting soil. I can use the seeds from this year's harvest for next year's growth. So pretty much self-sustaining seeds from all the plants no need to buy any more seeds.

But anyway, I just wanted to tell you how much a success these grow lights were and I'd recommend them to anyone that don't have significant lighting in their house and don't have a greenhouse. These lights can be fund on eBay Right here -> 28w LED Lighting They are around $14 bucks for a set of 4 which is an excellent deal.

If you end up getting some, send me a comment on this post of your progress and let me know what you think about them.