Map Tack

Sunday, December 28, 2008

One More Holiday To Go!

One more Holiday to go before the new year starts.

Christmas is Over
Thanksgiving is Over
Halloween is Over
Easter is Over

and whatever else holiday I have forgotten for the Year of 2008. I just a few more Days and Hours, we will be entering into the New World, New Time and New Year, Things will change, Things may Seem different, Things May be different, Many Things and Aspects will change for everyone.

New Resolutions will begain, Old ones be completed All for the Good of a Brand new Start for some and all Alike.

Enjoy your New Years as it approachs fast with a Safe heart.



raccoonlover1963/Lisa Myers said...

I've learned not to make resolutions because I know I will never hold up to them!
Hope you had a great Christmas.

Jimmy "Handi" Warner said...

@ Lisa: I don't as a General Rule either, If I want something or want to do something then I do it.

For example, I used to smoke almost 4 years ago around bout. I started gettin sick and all that Jazz, feelin like shit and all.

So I told myself that I wasn't going to Smoke anymore, So after I finished the Last Cig in my Pack, Which was always my Lucky one, the one Upside Down, and after it was gone, I quit.

I didn't buy anymore, Didn't bum anymore, I just quit. And this goes for just about everything I want, well cept for walking rofl, now if I could say after today i want to walk and get up and start walking that would be cool, but lets face it, It's within reasonable abilities of ones self to achieve what they are after!
